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Our Walk With Christ

At the East Coast campout, the theme “Send It” was reinforced by our bonfire speakers. Jacob shared the story of the group who lowered their crippled friend through a roof so that Jesus would heal him. Kyle spoke about immersing ourselves in Scripture (by whatever method), because the Word transforms us to serve others.

After returning home, we enjoyed some fun fall waves, with sets about 1-2 feet overhead. I paddled out before sunrise, settling into a rhythm, picking off set waves breaking in front of a rock jetty. Shortly after sunrise, another surfer joined me, sitting at the takeoff spot. When a 2-wave set approached, he had priority but looked hesitant. As the first wave passed by (unridden!), I said, “The second one is better; go for it.” He made a half-attempt, then pulled back, shaking his head as if he wouldn’t have made it.

Needless to say, he did not “Send It.” I was disappointed.

But what about when we don’t “send it” in our walk with Christ? 

The story of Jonah comes to mind. God told Jonah to “send it” and go to Nineveh. Unfortunately, Jonah chose the opposite path and ended up getting wrecked and sinking to the bottom of the ocean, swallowed up in the belly of a beast. How did Jonah begin to return to the correct path? He remembered. “When my life was fainting away, I remembered the Lord, and my prayer came to you, into your holy temple” (Jonah 2:7). Jonah remembered who God is, who he was, and what God had said; in that moment, he was given a new opportunity to (re) Send It.

When we fail, the principle is to remember who we are in Christ, hiding His word in our hearts so we don’t miss our purpose (to bring crippled people to the feet of Jesus). Backing off from a set wave, you should have charged often happens when you doubt yourself and your surfing ability. Remembering the hours you’ve spent surfing and your knowledge of the ocean and the particular break will give you the confidence to charge the next set wave with no hesitation.